I’ve been producing great content for my own clients and for the clients of marketing agencies since 2010. I take on a wide range of B2B copywriting and content writing briefs covering many different sectors. I also provide proofreading services.

Bishopsgate Copywriting - Services Word Cloud
I can help you with all of these.

Website Copy and Content Writing

Whatever your line of business, you’re probably going to need a website. And this website will need to have compelling, well-written content.

That’s where I come in. I write powerful, persuasive, on-brand website copy for my clients that hits the mark.

Whether you need a Home page, an About page, or any other pages, I can help.

I’m pretty sure that you’ll want website copy that’s written with SEO in mind as well. If you do, rest assured you’ve come to the right place. I’m a Yoast Academy accredited SEO copywriter.

SEO B2B Blog Writing

From credit markets to coffee machines, from biodiversity to bicycle theft, from Perspex to pet farewells – my B2B copywriting covers a wide range of topics.

Hire me to write for you and I’ll research and produce high quality, keyword-rich B2B blog posts for your business. These will be original, engaging, on-brand and, most importantly, your audience will find them valuable.

And if you’re short on inspiration, I can suggest some blog ideas too.

I can write one-off blogs, or, if you’d like a series of blogs, I can write these too.

B2B Copywriting - to help businesses reach their target audience
Need help to reach your target audience?

Social Media Posts

If you need to source high quality, impactful posts for your business on LinkedIn, Facebook or X (Twitter), I can write these for you. I use all 3 of these platforms regularly. There are quite a few rules and conventions you need to follow to get the most out of your posts on each of these platforms.

Have a look at my top tips for writing better LinkedIn posts.

B2B and B2C Copywriting

B2B copywriter

B2B copywriting and B2C copywriting require different skills, different approaches and different language. I can do both.

I’ll write compelling B2B blogs for your business on topics of your choosing. My SEO blogs will help you to extend your online audience and attract new customers.

I’ll write persuasive B2C sales emails for you…with a punchy headline, interesting content and a strong call to action. I’ll help you turn prospects into buyers.

Feature Articles

I also write in-depth magazine features. Having been a magazine editor and journalist, I know what it takes to produce interesting and engaging feature articles.

If you’re looking to hire a freelance writer to produce longer pieces I can help. Just outline for me what you’re looking for.

Case Studies

I offer a Case Study writing service for SMEs. Send me all the relevant information and I’ll pull things together and do a write-up. Or I can interview your key employees to get this information. Well-written case studies can be a very powerful marketing tool for generating new business.

Compelling Case Studies written for businesses


There are many reasons why businesses and marketing agencies use ghostwriters. I’m pleased to say I’ve done a fair amount of this type of work.

I’m afraid I don’t ghostwrite books, but I’ve helped a lot of businesses by ghostwriting their content – blogs, business articles, reports and thought leadership pieces.


Company Annual Reports

I offer an Annual Report writing service for businesses. Working closely with your in-house marcomms team, I can interview Board members and your senior management team to get their perspective on the company’s performance and business highlights during the year. I’ll then write up their contributions in whatever format is required. I can also write up any business updates, economic background pieces or ESG content you need.

Annual Report Copywriting

Business Interviews

If you’d like to have interviews conducted with people who work in your business for an online or magazine feature (for example), this is my speciality. I’ve done hundreds of them and reckon I know quite a bit about Conducting Successful Business Interviews.

Great feature interviews are enhanced by having some great photos of the interviewee. To get these, I work with and highly recommend the talented Sevenoaks-based photographer Russell Harper.

Copy Editing and Proofreading

I provide a copy editing service. This means I’ll carefully review your document and address any grammar, spelling, style or punctuation issues. I’ll also fix any problems I come across involving misused words, clunky transitions, uneven flow, wordiness or use of jargon. My mission is to ensure that the style and presentation of your piece is fit for purpose. Think of copy editing as the polishing step.

I also provide a proofreading service. Send me your writing project after it has been edited, laid out and designed, and I’ll give it a final check to ensure there aren’t any typos or other gremlins that everyone else has somehow missed.

Proofreading service from Bishopsgate Copywriting

International Clients Always Welcome!

I always welcome the opportunity to work with international businesses. Please let me know how I can help you.

I’ve worked with clients in Germany, France, the U.S., Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

UK Localisation Service

For businesses based outside the UK which would like to sell products or services in the UK I offer a UK localisation service. Basically I take your website content, product manual or any other type of text document and adapt it for the UK market. This ensures that to your target audience it appears to have been written by a local. This is very important for UK consumers because it builds trust and confidence in the product or service you are trying to sell.

My Work

Here’s a link to my portfolio.

Or please click here to see my client list.

If you don’t see the type of copywriting assignment you have in mind, give me a call anyway. There’s a good chance I’ll be able to help you in some way.


Please visit the FAQs section for more information about fees, obtaining quotes, my Terms and Conditions and much more.